Root Canals

Root Canals San Juan Capistrano, CA

Every tooth has a chamber with blood vessels and nerve tissues that supply the tooth with nutrients. If this chamber becomes infected or damaged, an abscess occurs leading to the need for root canal therapy. In rare occasions, they are done when a filling or crown sits near the nerve center, as well as, irritating the tooth for a prolonged period of time.

The procedure starts with making a small opening on the top of your tooth, followed by careful removal of your nerve and disinfection of the inside of the tooth. Afterwards, gutta percha material is placed inside to block out any bacteria or saliva that may potentially travel down inside the tooth and re-infect the canal. Afterwards, a crown is placed to protect the tooth from fracturing.


Over the course of dentistry as a whole

Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible

Invisalign clear aligners are removable

We offer flexible and affordable monthly payment plans

There are no dietary restrictions

Root canals have given our profession a scary reputation. Truth be told, most root canal procedures are painless when done properly. Dr. Kim and his team take every step necessary to ensure that you feel no pain throughout the procedure. If the tooth is deemed too difficult to treat at diagnosis, a referral to a specialist will be made to ensure that you get the best treatment possible, no compromises.
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For More Information

Root canal therapy is the best procedure to cure an infection, while allowing you to keep your natural tooth.

Make an appointment with Dr. Michael Kim, so he and his dental team can explain more to you about Root Canals, and other options you may want to consider.

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